Bright Space, Dynamic Woman, Interesting Work

Enjoyed a fleeting visit (let's do coffee NEXT time, Sally!) to printmaker Sally Hirst's studio this week:
She's just done really well at this year's Norwich Print Fair

Sally showed me her new discovery - a versatile paper from the US that she's been printing on to.
It is thin yet robust and has a slight transparency, allowing her to layer up collage; creating interesting surfaces of abstract compositions:

Sally explained that her work always begins with a representational start point - usually industrial architecture.
She screen-prints, stencils and adds rust to paper initially, to begin to break up the surface.

Working onto small square blocks, with raised elements, Sally constructs a collage's abstracted theme, building a low-relief surface:

I think all that layering sustains visual interest - it's subtlety demands a closer look. the above photo shows two finished pieces sitting with the grey base blocks.
It's always inspiring to meet a new fellow practitioner and have a peek around their work-space

We're planning an exhibition - probably in 2016 - with at least one other abstract artist, maybe a painter or look out...
See more of Sally's mixed media panels at her website: HERE 
Thank you Sally!

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