Pattern to Inspire... Something for the Weekend?

A colleague was telling me yesterday of her visit to Bermondsey to the bright orange and pink palace of Queen Zandra of Rhodes - The Fashion and Textiles Museum.
There's an exhibition of three women post war textile designers on at the moment


Think I feel a trip to London coming on... I'll have to be taking my budding fashion designer of an older son along too - he's such good company


One of the designers whose work is on show is a favourite of mine - Lucienne Day

Here are some of her beautiful designs - so inspiring - and of their time; the optimism and excitement for the future through science and technology quite evident..


Also - simple natural forms seem to inspire Day to create delightful designs that are feeling contemporary again today

design boom blog

Mmmmmmm - that's set me up for the weekend now - have fun in the sun!

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